In life, seemingly insignificant moments can hold profound meaning. Consider this: A company head survived the 9/11 tragedy because his son was starting kindergarten that day. Another person was spared because it was their turn to bring donuts to work. A woman was delayed because her alarm clock failed to ring on time. Someone got stuck in traffic due to an accident on the NJ Turnpike. Another missed their bus. One spilled food and had to change clothes. Someone's car refused to start. Another went back to answer a ringing phone. A parent was delayed because their child took longer to get ready. Someone couldn’t find a taxi. And then there was the man who, wearing new shoes, developed a blister. He stopped to buy a Band-Aid, and that brief pause saved his life. These small, seemingly annoying delays—what if they’re part of a greater design? The next time you’re stuck in traffic, miss an elevator, or need to retrace your steps to grab something you forgot, pause for a moment. Maybe...