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Showing posts from September, 2010

XIC announces "WINS IN PERSONAL SELLING" two days Program

Xavier Institute of Communication (XIC) announces a Sales Program for the young Turks of today – WINS IN PERSONAL SELLING . The program will be conducted on 18 th (Saturday) & 19 th (Sunday) of September, 2010. Business Development and Personal Selling has become a part of all our jobs. Whether it is selling an idea or a concept to a Client or senior management, the salesman in us must deliver at all times. So, how can we increase productivity perhaps by 100% in Selling? Xavier Institute of Communications has created this program with Rajeev Chawla – Program Head for P.R. & Corporate Communications at XIC. The workshop aims at transforming regular sales or business development personnel to professionals who can build relations & equity and eventually even become brand custodians using strategy. This program is for Sales or Business Development personnel, who work for Consulting firms, Media firms, Broking Firms, Consumer Durable Companies, Telecom companies...

XIC announces "WINS IN PERSONAL SELLING" two days Program for young executives

Xavier Institute of Communication (XIC) announces a Sales Program for the young Turks of today – WINS IN PERSONAL SELLING . The program will be conducted at the XIC (St. Xavier's College) campus in Mumbai on 18 th (Saturday) & 19 th (Sunday) of September, 2010. Business Development and Personal Selling has become a part of all our jobs. Whether it is selling an idea or a concept to a Client or senior management, the salesman in us must deliver at all times. So, how can we increase productivity perhaps by 100% in Selling? Invest two full days in a workshop specially designed for your Personal Selling needs by Xavier Institute of Communications with Rajeev Chawla – Program Head for P.R. & Corporate Communications at XIC. You will find the edge you always were looking for in your business development process through this program. The workshop aims at transforming regular sales or business development personnel to professionals who can build relations & equ...

10 golden rules to keep romance alive in relationships

Fri, Sep 3 04:00 PM Sydney, Sept 3 (ANI): Getting into a relationship is easy, but keeping it alive is the difficult part. There are plenty of things, big or small, that can wreck an otherwise great relationship. Now, Dr Barton Goldsmith, a California-based psychotherapist and the author of '100 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence - Believe in Yourself and Others Will Too' reveals what all can kill romantic relationships and how to save it from falling apart. 1. Money: It's the root of all evils, as they say. If a partner has been unscrupulous, getting the trust back can be a challenge, reports the Sydney Morning Herald. 2. Sex/infidelity: A sexless marriage or unfaithfulness can extinguish love quicker than blowing out a candle. Don't let the flame burn out and try to renew your sex life. 3. Disrespect: Research shows that belittling, insulting or yelling at your partner can cut the chances of your relationship's survival. 4. Children: Some live for th...